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Organoid Single-Cell Functional Genomics (CROP-seq)
By providing services for the establishment of specific organoid models combined with full-process reagents, accompanying genetic manipulation technologies, and single-cell genomics analysis, it is possible to conduct gene function studies under specific organoid model conditions. This approach offers the potential for high-throughput drug screening, tumor drug development, and research into developmental mechanisms.
Service Process

Service Content and Description


Organoid Single-Cell Omics + CRISPR Screening


Achieving gene function screening at the single-cell level in organoids through CROP-seq technology.


  1. Preparation of a lentiviral library of candidate gene sgRNAs;
  2. Infection of Cas9-expressing organoids, followed by gene editing and application of screening pressure;
  3. Dissociation of organoids into single cells for single-cell sequencing and analysis.


  1. Compared to traditional cell line screening, gene screening at the organoid level better reflects the true function of genes in vivo;
  2. Unlike traditional pooled screening methods that only provide a single output metric (cell viability or death), single-cell CROP-seq screening offers comprehensive omics information at the single-cell transcriptome level;
  3. Single-cell omics screening enables high throughput.

Case Studies

Exploration of Liver Regeneration Regulatory Factors through Single-Cell Functional Genomics of Liver Organoids


Suitable Scenarios

High-Throughput Gene Function Screening Based on Organoids

Related Fields:

Single-Cell Omics, Organoid Models, Development, Regeneration, Tumor Immunology, High-Throughput Screening, Gene Editing, Sequencing

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